We believe in details

to generate realism


The right object

It's often difficult to choose the right object for decorating your scene and interior design. We always try to find some rare objects that do not exist as 3D scans or 3D models yet and bring it into our library.


The real touch

Do you often miss details in 3D models you bought? We believe in the human touch and the imperfect surfaces that come along with natural objects from hand crafted ceramics to fruits and vegetables.

3D scans

Enjoy our growing library for your CGI projects and 3D renderings.

Most photos for just a single scan

In general we try to capture the details from around 200-300 photos. But somtimes you need to get higher.

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We only want to generate handmade 3D scans from well choosen objects.

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As a studio for product visualization and visual communication we often need photorealism so we always search for details.

polypasta - 3d scans


In development

We have precise ideas for the near future that will come to our library and that will help out 3D artists to fill up their animations, kitchens, interior renderings or food illustrations with natural looking 3D models.

Keep in touch

Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. We would love to hear what is missing in your 3D renderings or what you would need for your next CGI projects.
